WOW! What a week it has been so far.
Between working my full time job, trying to squeeze in time to write blog posts, exercise and train for the City2Surf which is on Sunday, as well as spend time with my very forgiving family and friends; I’ve reached the point where I can’t keep up!
With the weather slooooowly starting to warm up and summer eventually on the way, I thought it was about time I found a way to balance my thoughts, my schedule and my life.
I have found that lately I am spending a lot of time on my phone, iPad or laptop and have realised that this is getting way outta hand (my boyfriend has now put a ban on phones and devices after 8.30pm!).
The reason why I have found myself all over the place lately is because I am getting far too caught up in the online world. Obviously the Internet and social media channels are large aspects of the blogging world, but too much time spent on these mediums can cause havoc to your mind, body and soul.
When I received my phone bill for $280 (yep, I know – shocking!) this month, I knew it was time to stop wasting valuable money trawling through Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tumblr, Flickr and every other social media app I have, and spend this money on something that I know I will get some results and money-back guarantee out of.
So, I re-signed up for Yoga classes back at SOULution Yoga, located right on my favourite street in Canberra- Lonsdale Street.
This relatively new and very ME Yoga studio, and is dedicated to providing many different styles of yoga for all types of people.
“We honor all yoga traditions and are dedicated to unity in diversity, and providing a warm atmosphere for personal growth and development” – SOULution Yoga website.
What I love about yoga for me is that I go into the class knowing that I need to use the time focusing my mind, and I come out of the class dripping in sweat and feeling as though I’ve done a full body circuit workout – bonus!
The hour long class always finishes in no time and when I leave class I always reflect on the fact that I hadn’t even thought about work, or any of my other worries and stresses.
Lets just say I am back on to road to finding my zen and am learning a lot more about what my mind and body is needing. For those of you who need to add a little more zen to their life – it’s time to realign, relax and bring your mind back to centre.
SOULution Yoga offer a Two Week $30 Trial Period for New Students. This is a 14 day Unlimited pass that will allow you to experience and indulge yourself in as many of the classes as you like. Check them out:
Has anyone else tried SOULution Yoga in Canberra before? Where do you go for your Yoga/Pilates classes?